New year installed not only on the inside, and rather than coats. Imagine wearing bright, while the outside is still wrapped up like a ball, how can you call perfect? One is equipped with a belt or waist length jacket is your best choice. No matter if you put a skirt or pants, can both warm and show of your curves.
Lambs wool embellished leather long coat in Hale added a softer element, mixing the two is very flattering. A pair of dark jeans slim, the combination of high heel boots high quality as a whole.
Fur embellished woolly hats matching camel coat, belt out in front after hitting a perfect curve bow is very sweet.
Red Coat embellished fur boot, super bright and warm, waist style with classic double breasted design.
Double-breasted black coats embellished with wide waistband to waist, and hem of a glyph is a lady, embellished fur fur collar, a temperament.
Red Coat adding double-decker design in the chest, very level. More lovely belt hem, put a black short skirt, very classic color scheme.
Brown trench coat dotted thin immediately after a belt of agile and temperament, fur collar is very warm, with a simple pair of jeans can be.
Black coat with waist belt, legs immediately grew 10 cm! Red Plaid wide swinging skirt very cute, distributed in England.
Camel trench coat of very fine belt ornament, simple design distribute elegant woman taste.Brown coat and white scarf, dark blue skinny pants combination of simple black ankle boots, overall does not need more decorations, simple and a little more flavor.White coat dotted circle buttons and rivets, shows strong flavor. Fur warmth femininity, the overall mix level.Smoke grey adorns large fur coat upper body, not only warm, but her face looks very small.Blue long coat put long skirts, long overall, and not bloated. 2008 space style five directions 2008 space style five directionsWhite coat dotted black belt, folded collar part is very sweet.Black jacket with a red waist band together, quite a classic, low profile and highlights.Gray bat-style jacket embellished or extravagant belt, loose and won't make the overall look bloated.Black coat was very low-key, dotted light elements finishing touch in his lapel. Black gold high heels are all highlights on the feet.Dotted white dress cascading necklace is very elegant, long coat and matching dress best.Loose coats will cover up body fat, but enough waist, if you have a belt would be better.Slimming effect invincible black coat, matching with the color of shirt, must have a bright Eye necklace only.Coat long coat curve matching waist belt black leather dress